This project focuses on optimizing the DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise) algorithm for large datasets using various parallel computing strategies. Key challenges addressed include computational cost, random access inefficiencies, and workload imbalances in skewed datasets.
Key Knowledge and Formulas of DBSCAN
- Key Parameters:
(neighborhood radius) andMinPts
(minimum points in the neighborhood). - Core Point Condition: A point
is a core point if:|Nε(p)| ≥ MinPts
, whereNε(p)
is theε
-neighborhood of pointp
. - Neighborhood Definition:
Nε(p) = {q ∈ D | dist(p, q) ≤ ε}
, wheredist(p, q)
is the distance between pointsp
(commonly Euclidean distance).
DBSCAN groups points into clusters based on density and labels points as core, border, or noise depending on their neighborhood density.
Method | Details | Time Complexity | Platform |
NaiveDBScanner | A naive implementation where we build neighbors by going through every pair of points, then we simply find all connected parts by performing Breadth-first search (BFS). | O(n²) | C++ CPU |
OpenMPDBScanner | The multi-threaded CPU implementation of NaiveDBScanner, achieved using C++ with OpenMP and SIMD instructions. | O(n²/p) (p: number of threads) | C++ CPU OpenMP+SIMD |
GraphDBScanner | A sequential version of graph-based & serial DBSCAN, using CPU BFS. | Average: O(n log n / p) Best: O(n/p) Worst: O(n²/p) Theoretical: O(n²/p) (p: number of GPU cores) |
C++ GPU (for Graph Construction) & CPU (for BFS) CUDA |
ParallelDBScanner | A CUDA version of the GraphDBScanner, which utilizes a compact adjacency list to represent the graph. Both graph construction (exclusive_scan with Thrust library) and cluster identification (BFS with level synchronization) are parallelized. | Average: O(n log n / p) Best: O(n/p) Worst: O(n²/p) Theoretical: O(n²/p) (p: number of GPU cores) |
SLScanner | Basically invoking the sklearn.cluster.DBSCAN. For reference, this version includes a k-d
tree for building neighbors faster. The BFS procedure is optimized using Cython (C extension
for Python) for fair comparison. Note: DBSAN implementation in Scikit-learn does not use a strict BFS algorithm. Instead, it employs a BFS-like approach to expand clusters. |
Average: O(n²) Empirical: O(n log n) |
Python: Scikit-Learn Cython |
ParallelDBScanner+ | Optimizing the 1st stage of ParallelDBScanner with grid structure. The BFS part (2nd stage) stays the same as in ParallelDBScanner. | Theoretical: O(n log n / p) Average: O(n log n / p) Best: O(n/p) (p: number of GPU cores) |
ParallelDBScanner++ | A brand-new implementation: a hybrid CUDA MPI version (best suitable for Big Data platform
like MapReduce or Spark). Phase 1: Data Partitioning Phase 2: Cell Graph Construction Phase 3: Cell Graph Merging |
Time complexity of an (ε, ρ)-region query with R*-tree or kd-tree: O(log |cell|), where |cell| is the total number of cells in the two-level cell dictionary. (p: a point) |
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(4) for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < points.size(); ++j) { if (i != j && euclidean_distance(points[i], points[j]) <= eps) { #pragma omp critical neighbors[i].push_back(j); } } }
Explanation: The omp parallel for
directive is used to parallelize the
outer loop for building neighborhoods.
This enables multiple threads to work concurrently, reducing computation time significantly.
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) num_threads(4) for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) { if (points[i].cluster_id == 0) { // Unclassified point if (neighbors[i].size() >= min_pts) { #pragma omp critical { cluster_id++; bfs_cluster(i, cluster_id, eps, min_pts, points, neighbors); } } else { points[i].cluster_id = -1; // Mark as noise } } }
Explanation: Using schedule(dynamic)
, the loop dynamically assigns
chunks of iterations to threads,
ensuring better load balancing for unpredictable workloads.
// Graph structure to represent the adjacency list in CSR format struct Graph { thrust::device_vectorrow_ptr; // Row pointer for CSR format thrust::device_vector col_indices; // Column indices for CSR format };
Explanation: The Graph structure is designed using CUDA's thrust library for efficient representation of adjacency lists.
// CUDA kernel to perform BFS for cluster identification __global__ void bfs_kernel(int num_points, const int* row_ptr, const int* col_indices, int* cluster_ids, int current_cluster_id) { int idx = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x; if (idx < num_points && cluster_ids[idx] == 0) { // Unvisited point cluster_ids[idx] = current_cluster_id; for (int i = row_ptr[idx]; i < row_ptr[idx + 1]; ++i) { int neighbor = col_indices[i]; if (cluster_ids[neighbor] == 0) { cluster_ids[neighbor] = current_cluster_id; } } } }
Explanation: The CUDA kernel efficiently assigns cluster IDs using BFS on the adjacency list.
// CUDA device function to compute Euclidean distance __device__ float euclidean_distance(const Point& a, const Point& b) { float dx = a.x - b.x; float dy = a.y - b.y; return sqrtf(dx * dx + dy * dy); } // CUDA kernel to construct the adjacency list __global__ void construct_adjacency_list(const Point* points, int* row_ptr, int* col_indices, int num_points, float eps) { int idx = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x; if (idx < num_points) { int count = 0; for (int j = 0; j < num_points; ++j) { if (idx != j && euclidean_distance(points[idx], points[j]) <= eps) { col_indices[row_ptr[idx] + count++] = j; } } } }
Explanation: Device functions and kernels compute distances and construct adjacency lists for graph-based DBSCAN.
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(4) for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < points.size(); ++j) { if (i != j && euclidean_distance(points[i], points[j]) <= eps) { #pragma omp critical neighbors[i].push_back(j); } } }
Explanation: The omp parallel for
directive is used to parallelize the
outer loop for building neighborhoods.
This enables multiple threads to work concurrently, reducing computation time significantly.
Binning Kernel
The binning kernel assigns each point to a specific cell in the grid for efficient neighbor identification.
__global__ void binning_kernel() { int v = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; if (v >= cuConstParams.num_points) return; float2 point = cuConstParams.points[v]; float side = cuConstParams.side; int col_idx = (point.x - cuConstParams.min_x) / side; int row_idx = (point.y - cuConstParams.min_y) / side; cuConstParams.bin_index[v] = row_idx * cuConstParams.num_cols + col_idx; cuConstParams.point_index[v] = v; }
Explanation: Each point is mapped to a grid cell based on its coordinates. This spatial partitioning helps reduce search space for neighbor computation.
After binning, points are sorted based on their cell index using thrust::sort_by_key
// Use Thrust to sort points by their bin index thrust::sort_by_key(d_bin_index.begin(), d_bin_index.end(), d_point_index.begin()); // Call the find_bin_start_kernel to determine the start and end indices for each bin find_bin_start_kernel<<>>(); // Call the degree_kernel to calculate the degree for each point degree_kernel<< >>(); // Use Thrust for exclusive scan to determine the start index in the adjacency list thrust::exclusive_scan(d_degree.begin(), d_degree.end(), d_degree.begin());
Explanation: Sorting points within bins organizes data for efficient neighbor searching and cluster identification.
Finding Bin Start/End Indices
The kernel identifies the start and end indices of each cell in the sorted list, allowing efficient access to all points in a cell.
__global__ void find_bin_start_kernel() { int v = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; if (v >= cuConstParams.num_points) return; int bin_idx = cuConstParams.bin_index[v]; if (v == 0) { cuConstParams.bin_start_index[bin_idx] = 0; } else { int last_bin_idx = cuConstParams.bin_index[v - 1]; if (bin_idx != last_bin_idx) { cuConstParams.bin_start_index[bin_idx] = v; cuConstParams.bin_end_index[last_bin_idx] = v; } } if (v == cuConstParams.num_points - 1) { cuConstParams.bin_end_index[bin_idx] = v + 1; } }
Explanation: Start and end indices for bins allow quick neighbor lookups within the grid, improving performance.
Degree Calculation
The degree_kernel
calculates the number of neighbors for each point by examining its cell
and adjacent cells.
__global__ void degree_kernel() { int v = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; if (v >= cuConstParams.num_points) return; size_t pid = cuConstParams.point_index[v]; float2 p1 = cuConstParams.points[pid]; int bin_idx = cuConstParams.bin_index[v]; size_t degree = 0; for (int neighbor_bin_id = 0; neighbor_bin_id < 9; ++neighbor_bin_id) { degree += degree_in_bin(p1, neighbor_bin_id); }[pid] = degree; }
Explanation: The degree kernel finds neighbors within the specified range by scanning adjacent cells, enabling efficient clustering.
Phase 1: Work Partitioning
// Phase 1: Partitioning the dataset t.reset(); initialize(points, eps, minPts); build_global_graph(parameters, point_index, cell_start_index, cell_end_index); std::vector assigned_cells = random_distribute(numTasks, taskid); size_t assigned_cell_count = assigned_cells.size(); double partitioningTime = t.elapsed(); if (taskid == MASTER) { printf("Step 1. Time taken for partitioning: %.6fms\n", partitioningTime); }
Explanation: This step partitions the data into cells, with each cell assigned to an MPI worker. The partitions are split randomly across workers for load balancing.
Phase 2: Partial Graph Construction
// Phase 2: Construct a partial clustering graph std::vector point_ids; std::vector is_core_points; std::vector adjacency_list; std::vector partition_data; t.reset(); buildLocalCellGraph(local_cell_index, point_ids, is_core_points, adjacency_list, partition_data); double graphConstructionTime = t.elapsed(); if (taskid == MASTER) { printf("Step 2. Time for constructing partial cell graph: %.6fms\n", graphConstructionTime); } size_t point_count = point_ids.size(); size_t adj_list_size = adjacency_list.size();
Explanation: Each worker constructs a local graph for its assigned cells. Core points and edges between cells are identified during this process.
Phase 3: Graph Merging and Point Labeling
// Phase 3: Combine clustering graphs if (taskid != MASTER) { // Workers send their local graphs to the master node MPI_Send(&adjacency_list_size, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, MASTER, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Send(&adjacency_list[0], adjacency_list_size, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, MASTER, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Send(&point_ids[0], point_count, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, MASTER, 3, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Send(&is_core_points[0], point_count, MPI_SHORT, MASTER, 4, MPI_COMM_WORLD); } else { // Master node gathers graphs from workers and performs merging for (int worker_id = 1; worker_id < numTasks; ++worker_id) { size_t received_adj_list_size; MPI_Recv(&received_adj_list_size, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, worker_id, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); std::vector received_adj_list(received_adj_list_size); MPI_Recv(&received_adj_list[0], received_adj_list_size, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, worker_id, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); std::vector received_point_ids(point_count); MPI_Recv(&received_point_ids[0], point_count, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, worker_id, 3, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); std::vector received_is_core_points(point_count); MPI_Recv(&received_is_core_points[0], point_count, MPI_SHORT, worker_id, 4, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); // Combine the received graph with the master's graph mergeGraphs(partition_data, adjacency_list, received_partition, received_adj_list); adjacency_list = merged_adjacency_list; } } // Assign labels to points for (size_t idx = 0; idx < point_ids.size(); ++idx) { if (is_core_points[idx]) { assignCoreLabel(point_ids[idx]); } else { assignNonCoreLabel(point_ids[idx], adjacency_list); } }
Explanation: In this phase, partial graphs from workers are sent to the master and merged into a global graph. Points are then labeled using BFS or adjacency information.
Perform BFS Clustering with KD-Tree
%%cython import numpy as np cimport numpy as np from libc.math cimport sqrt from sklearn.neighbors import KDTree def bfs_cluster(int point_idx, int cluster_id, double eps, int min_pts, double[:, :] points, long[:] labels, object kdtree): cdef int i, j, n_points cdef long[:] neighbors cdef double[:, :] point = np.empty((1, points.shape[1]), dtype=np.double) cdef list q = [point_idx] labels[point_idx] = cluster_id while q: current_point = q.pop(0) for j in range(points.shape[1]): point[0, j] = points[current_point, j] neighbors = kdtree.query_radius(point, r=eps)[0] if len(neighbors) >= min_pts: for i in neighbors: if labels[i] == 0: # Unclassified labels[i] = cluster_id q.append(i) def cython_dbscan(double[:, :] points, double eps, int min_pts): cdef int i, n_points = points.shape[0] cdef long[:] labels = np.zeros(n_points, dtype=np.int64) cdef int cluster_id = 0 cdef object kdtree = KDTree(points, metric='euclidean') for i in range(n_points): if labels[i] == 0: # Unclassified neighbors = kdtree.query_radius(points[i:i+1], r=eps)[0] if len(neighbors) >= min_pts: cluster_id += 1 bfs_cluster(i, cluster_id, eps, min_pts, points, labels, kdtree) else: labels[i] = -1 # Noise return np.array(labels, dtype=np.int64)
Explanation: In Scikit-Learn's DBSCAN implementation, the BFS clustering process
uses a KD-Tree
to efficiently reduce the time complexity from O(n²)
to O(n log n)
. The
provided bfs_cluster
function utilizes the KD-Tree to find neighbors and label clusters. The main
function orchestrates the clustering
process while leveraging the KD-Tree for efficient neighborhood queries.
Analysis was conducted on synthetic datasets (Moons, Blobs, and Chameleon) to evaluate runtime, scalability, and clustering accuracy. Our setup included an NVIDIA RTX 4080 Ti GPU and a quad-core Intel i7 CPU.
Performance on Moons Dataset
#samples | NaiveDBScanner | OpenMPDBScanner | SLScanner | ParallelDBScanner | ParallelDBScanner+ | ParallelDBScanner++ |
1,000 | 27 | 0.7 | 30.05 | 10.6 | 10.6 | 5.7 |
10,000 | 2,569.3 | 44.2 | 321.65 | 40 | 38.9 | 0.1 |
50,000 | 63,556.6 | 868.7 | 2,157.44 | 202.5 | 197.2 | 4 |
100,000 | 253,360 | 3,070.1 | 5,949.36 | 411.7 | 406.7 | 13 |
200,000 | 1,016,081 | 11,613.1 | 19,672.82 | 845.1 | 835.9 | 41.1 |
Analysis - Runtime
Note: Use plt.xscale('log')
and plt.yscale('log')
: A
logarithmic scale allows us to visualize data with a wide range of values more effectively by scaling
the axis by orders of magnitude. This makes patterns and trends more apparent, especially when dealing
with exponential growth or data that varies greatly in size.
Analysis - # Threads (OpenMPDBScanner - CPU)
Analysis - Block Size (ParallelDBScanner - GPU & CUDA)
Blocksize: # threads in each CUDA thread block. Each CUDA Streaming Multiprocessor (SM) can manage and schedule a limited number of threads, usually 1024 or 2048. The blockSize needs to consider hardware limitations to fully utilize GPU resources. For compute-intensive tasks, a larger blockSize can often increase parallelism. For memory-intensive tasks, a smaller blockSize may be needed to reduce contention for shared memory and registers.
Performance Comparison on Dataset Blobs
Performance Comparison on Dataset Chameleon
To fine-tune the parameters in ParallelDBScanner++ and evaluate the clustering performance, follow these steps:
Select Parameter Ranges: First, define the range of parameters you want to
experiment with.
The key parameters are
(neighborhood radius) andmin_samples
(minimum number of points required to form a core point). Choose a reasonable range of values for these parameters to experiment with. - Run Clustering: For each set of parameter values, run the ParallelDBScanner++ to perform clustering.
Calculate Evaluation Metrics:
- Silhouette Coefficient: This metric assesses the quality of the clustering, ranging from -1 to 1. A higher value indicates better clustering quality.
- Adjusted Rand Index (ARI): This metric evaluates the consistency between the clustering results and the true labels. A higher ARI indicates a closer match between the clustering results and the true classification.
Proportion of Noise Points: Calculate the proportion of points labeled as
noise in the clustering results.
A higher proportion might indicate that the
value is set too low, or that the data contains many outliers.
- Analyze and Select Optimal Parameters: Compare the evaluation metrics across different parameter settings. Select the parameter combination that yields the highest Silhouette Coefficient, the highest ARI, and a reasonable proportion of noise points as the optimal parameters.
Finetune (Moons: 1k ~ 200k; Blobs & Chameleon: 200k) on optimal DBScanner (Parallel++)
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- Cordova, I., & Moh, T. S. (2015, July). DBSCAN on Resilient Distributed Datasets. In 2015 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS) (pp. 531-540). IEEE.