High Dynamic Range Imaging Pipeline

By Yi Ge (Ellen)


The project presents a robust High Dynamic Range (HDR) image processing pipeline that integrates image merging, white balance correction, and tone mapping to produce high-quality HDR images. Through extensive experimentation, the pipeline has been shown to effectively handle the complexities of HDR imaging, ensuring accurate color representation and preserving detail across a wide range of luminance levels. The proposed methodology also leverages linearization techniques for fine image stack for accurate radiometric calibration, and employs multiple white balance algorithms for consistent color representation, and utilizes the various tone mapping operators to adapt HDR images for standard display devices. The results demonstrate the pipeline’s capability to produce visually appealing and accurate HDR images, making it suitable for various applications in photography and imaging. Future work may explore the integration of advanced machine learning techniques to further enhance the performance and adaptability of the HDR processing pipeline.

HDR Demo


Pipeline Overview

To process HDR images, we use a pipeline of merging, white balance, and tonemapping. Merging combines LDR exposures into an HDR image, which tonemapping converts to SDR for display while preserving detail. JPG stacks require linearization, and RAW stacks are converted to .TIFF using tools like dcraw. White balance corrects color temperature, with optional adjustments for contrast, brightness, and saturation to optimize presentation.

HDR Pipeline

Noise-optimal Weight

Noise-optimal weight utilizes a noise calibration procedure to enhance the fidelity of the HDR composite. The figure below illustrates the steps involved in capturing and processing ramp images, including dark frame subtraction and merging. This procedure ensures accurate adjustment for sensor noise, leveraging techniques such as dark frame averaging, ramp capture, and the use of calibrated weights. The final merged stack benefits from reduced artifacts and improved detail preservation.

Noise-optimal Weight


Kitchen Stack (captured by Ellen)

Results & Discussion


The main results of this study showcase the effectiveness of the proposed HDR pipeline in generating high-quality images using both JPG and RAW stacks. The visualization below highlights the outcomes with different weighting schemes and merging types.

Visualization of HDR images from JPG stack using different weighting schemes and merging types

Visualization of HDR images from JPG stack using different weighting schemes and merging types.

Visualization of HDR images from RAW stack using different weighting schemes and merging types

Visualization of HDR images from RAW stack using different weighting schemes and merging types.

Tonemapping Results
RGB tonemapping for JPG stack with different K and B values

RGB tonemapping for JPG stack with different K and B values.

Illuminance tonemapping for JPG stack with different K and B values

Illuminance tonemapping for JPG stack with different K and B values.

RGB tonemapping for RAW stack with different K and B values

RGB tonemapping for RAW stack with different K and B values.

Illuminance tonemapping for RAW stack with different K and B values

Illuminance tonemapping for RAW stack with different K and B values.

Comparison on HDR Imaging Methods
Comparison of different HDR imaging methods on RAW image stack

Comparison of different HDR imaging methods on RAW image stack: Traditional methods include Debevec, Robertson, and Mertens, while deep learning methods include DeepHDR and SCTNet. Note: For a more proper analysis, a fine image stack was used with the Robertson method.

Selected visualization for HDR results

Selected visualization for HDR results: (a) Debevec’s method with RGB tonemapping (K=0.1, B=0.8), (b) Debevec’s method with photographic tonemapping (key=0.08, L_white=100.0), (c) SCTNet after gray-world white balancing, (d) Mertens’s method, (e) Mertens’s method after gamma encoding, (f) Mertens’s method after gray-world white balancing.


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